Dance with me in the Heart is every baby's invitation to the big people in their lives. When you are invited, please say yes.
I attended the first training in the English language at the Emmi Pikler Institute in Budapest, Hungary in 2004. I knew - while still in Budapest - that the genius of Dr Pikler needed to be made available to all parents and teachers who want to grow peaceful partnerships with their children, so in 2005 I designed the course I now call Dance with me in the Heart • Level One to pass on the information and skills that underpin building a partnership based on mutual affection and mutual respect.
In the interim, and after more learning at the Emmi Pikler Institute in 2006, 2010, 2013 and 2014 I have developed a series of Dance with Me in the Heart courses. Dance with me in the Heart • Level One lays the foundation. The principles experienced in Level One are the basis for the four courses, and they constitute the Culture of Kindness. These principles hold true throughout the whole of the human life-span: from birth, to eldership, and in dying itself. Beside the general principles, the age specific content of Dance with me in the Heart • Level One is from birth to one year old - roughly, the period of extero-gestation.
Dance with me in the Heart • Level Two uses the foundation of the Culture of Kindness as the foundation to explore the age specific content of growth and development through toddlerhood until six years of age.
Heart Dancing for Facilitators are two trainings for people who want to take the Culture of Kindness to the parents in 'their village' in the form of Parent-Infant Classes and Parent-Toddler Classes. The curriculum for these classes comes out of Levels One and Two.
The Partnership Dance
Babies are born to dance the Partnership Dance but they can't dance it with us when we have forgotten how the steps go. |
Dance with me in the Heart • Level One
In 2006 Kimberley Crisp and I attended the first Level Two training in the English language at the Emmi Pikler Institute in Budapest, and Dance With Me in the Heart • Level 2 is based on that course. Kimberley has gathered around her a team and set up an exemplary private kindergarten for children 3 - 6 called The Nest at Clive. This is the first centre in New Zealand specifically set up with the Pikler Approach underpinning all of its philosophy and practice.
Dance with me in the Heart • Level Two
In 2005 three workers from CAPS Hauraki did Dance with me in the Heart • Level One and they have been taking parent-infant classes for parents and their babies since then. These classes introduce parents Dr Pikler's peaceful, respectful approach and the results for families in our district have been stunning. With all that expertise built up over seven years, hand in hand we designed a ten week programme for facilitators, so that this way of being can spread around our communities.
It is possible that the next Buddha will not take the form of an individual. The next Buddha may take the form of a community – a community practicing understanding and loving kindness, a community practicing mindful living.
This may be the most important thing we can do for the survival of the earth. Thich Nhat Hanh |
Heart Dancing for Parent-Infant Class Facilitators
Above all we need, particularly as children, the reassuring presence of a visible community, an intimate group that enfolds us with understanding and love, and that becomes an object of our spontaneous loyalty, as a criterion and point of reference for the rest of the human race.
Lewis Mumford |
Heart Dancing for Parent-Toddler Class Facilitators
A weekend training for would-be facilitators of parent-toddler classes Dance with me in the Heart • Level One, Dance with me in the Heart • Level Two and Heart Dancing for Facilitators of Parent-Infant Classes are the prerequisites for acceptance onto this course. It is limited to ten participants. Programme Outline In this course we focus on the changing we have to do, and the new skills we will need for a child who is growing into their autonomy. Play
The Parent Handbook
The details
e d u c a t i o n f o r t h e h e a d a n d t h e h e a r t e d u c a t i o n f o r t h e h e a d a n d t h e h e a r t e d u c a t i o n f o r t h e h e a d a n d h e a r t